I want to give you words of wisdom + inspiration as I reflect on the 44 years I have lived, but I do not have much to say. I seem to be in limbo, caught between where I am and where I want to go. It feels numinous.

So instead of reflecting with you here, I turn inward and instead commit to a measure of time devoted to practice + listening. 40 days seems to be right amount of time for this kind of work. And since I turn 44, I’ll make it 44 days. Keeping it simple with the following Kundalini kriya practice.

Clearing Past Emotions
as taught to me as a “homepathic dose” by Erica Jago
Sit up straight
Bring all fingers tips together in the shape of a teepee. Press thumbs gentle against the vagus nerve (just below the solar plexus).
Take a moment to connect with all the significant teachers, people, ancestors of your pass and then all of the significant ones of your future, situating yourself in the middle, imagine your a part of a golden chain. Feel gratitude + support.
Breathe in for a count of 5 as if you are sniffing the air in quick inhales.
Hold for 5.
Breathe out for a count of 5 in the same way you breathed in.
The 5 count is significant because the 4 count is were it feels most natural to stop. The 4 count is also considered the count of “super learning” .. you will experience the 4 count in classical music for example. The 5 count is just one step beyond into the infinite. With this, we move beyond our limitations. We are creating a new limit to what we can take in + and new limit to what we can release.

Do this for 1 min, 3 min, or 11 min.

Pause when complete for at least as long as your practiced - if you practice for 1 min, give yourself 1 min to experience the effects.

This breath practice is very stabilizing + settling. As you will see.

So, 44 days from now, check in. Feel free to join me. I start on Saturday morning.