Closing Ceremony
Leadership Week 8 Winter Solstice
Closing Ceremony
Leadership Week 8 Winter Solstice
with Expert Guest Teacher Kristin Leal - 2024
with Expert Guest Teacher Kristin Leal - 2024
not training to be anatomy experts
yoga context - multidimensional, full of patterns and constructs, feelings and thoughts - that we all bring with us to the mat
maps are useful but not real, they don’t tell us the whole story, they are not the totality, they help us to navigate the complexity - which is way cooler and fun, messy, separations don’t exist and they are arbitrary
“The mind will insist on duality where there is none.” - Gill Headly
increasingly more subtle
Yoga = joining body, mind, practice - many definitions within sanskrit
Yuj = to yoga
Sutra = threads together, to heal the divide
Pat anjali = fallen prayer, blessing, offering, meant to be discussed, dissected, unraveled and pulled apart
What is it like to be alive as you?
Sutra 2:46 sadhana pada on asana
sthira - strength, structure, stability
sukha - center of the wheel, the sweet spot, essence
Balance leading to presence with the pose.
Observe the breath
Tapas - intensity, you can only see so much - ishvara pranidhana
Kriya - yoga in action
Svad - abode of yourself, study of self, study of self through scripture, practice, breath, relationships
Do you need more structure (engagement) or more softness? Do you need to lean in or pull back? - discernment
The whole promise is to alleviate suffering.
Respecting individuality
Meet people where they are and give them autonomy, navigation, and a framework
YTT Essential Cueing Core Asana Reference Guide (the jazz standards)
Alignment - means in a line, stay curious, be a student.
with Expert Guest Teacher Kristen Leal 2024
with Expert Guest Teacher Kristen Leal 2024