All ideas are paraphrased from Mooonolgy by Jasmin Boland.
Feel gratitude for all that’s good in your life. Think about the people, situations, and things that make you the happiest. Write down 5-10 people/things that make you happy and for which you are very grateful for in the last month - send love.
Create space - set up a comfortable and quiet place (bring in music, candles, oils, smudging herbs, etc., whatever feels right, have a notebook nearby) and take 3 deep breaths to center + ground.
Write your intentions for the next 4 weeks and decide what you can commit to doing in order to make the wishes come true. Whatever you decide will then become, wishes.
Think about what you do want. Write down your top wishes. Write from your heart.
Use your imagination to experience each wish coming true in as much detail as possible. Read your wishes as if they were true, as if they have already happened. “Feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled.”
Write an affirmation - an I am statement.
Look at each wish, mark a number out of 100 of how likely it is for this wish to come true.
Go through each wish and note how you intend to make it happen, what are willing/able to do?
Meditate to release your dreams out into the Universe, happy and confident.
Get on with your week, do everything you can to make your wishes come true.
At the next new moon look over your intentions - give thanks and release.