Hi there.
I have been quiet and listening, learning and amplifying. Watching, reading, educating, having conversations with family, crying and trying not to make sense of the why - why would people treat other people the way they have and do? - because the why is horrific. I am a pretty energetically sensitive and empathetic person and this kind of work hurts. I feel it. I tend to look at all the ways we are connected and the global and universal scale of all of this.
As a yoga student and teacher much of the work happens on the inside. We practice to know ourselves. We return to our breath, we witness, we choose, we release and we keep returning home, to Source, where we are nourished and can then serve.
There are several people that I follow who are activists (@rachel.cargle @pixielighthorese are just two) who have been sharing resources (I've stored much of that info on my instagram story highlights) - you can also find all of your own information by simply looking (and using google). BIPOC folks have been extremely generous, forthright, clear and direct about how non-BIPOC folks be and become anti-racist. I encourage you to learn on your own. No one is expecting perfection, no one is expecting anyone to "do it right" - but we must make strong effort, we must work towards change and balance and justice - each in our own way.
Keep up your practices. (I say this to myself too because I have fallen out of practice and rhythm and the strong rituals I have cultivated for myself.) You can always start again. The practice happens now. With this first breath.
For those of you with access to my virtual studio, I have 2 new classes up for you. If you would like access and don't have it, go here: https://www.katseltzeryoga.com/new-products/virtual-class to purchase lifetime access.
I am here for you.
I miss you.
I love you.
Do your practice.
With Love,