This kriya is very settling.
This is how it was taught to me.
The basic posture is easy pose with the finger tips touching, the fingers spread wide + the thumbs gentling pressed against the vagus nerve (just below the solar plexus).
Break 1 breathe into 5 parts by sniffing.
The brain + heart work in a 4-4 beat, this is considering what is called “super learning” - classical music usually has that 4-4 time signature.
When not using this 4-4 timing, you activate other parts of the brain, like the heart-brain or gut-brain.
When we break the breathing down we advance our thinking + learning.
5 sniffs in, hold for 5, 5 sniffs out. That 5th breath is activating the gut-brain.
It takes us beyond our natural limit. 4 is also normally where the heads wants to stop, but when you go that extra one - you're saying, this is where I want to live. This is where I want to live. Pushing yourself one step further into infinite space - bringing all of your emotions, all of yourself, into the here + now.
Practice for 1, 3, or 11 minutes. Pausing to receive for least half as long as you practiced. There is an activation then processing. Dissolve the thoughts.
You are pumping the belly as well - this is where alot of stagnant anger, sadness, grief gets stuck. When you pump the belly, your are brining in alot of seratonin, dopamine to the gut-brain.
The more oxygen you bring in, the more you are teaching your body that there is a new limit to your capacity to feel + to what you can release. It is a maturing around your system when it comes to emotional aspects.