Dear 2015,
Thank you for bringing me into deeper awareness of my soul. Thank you for giving me courage and guides, to stand eye to eye with my darkness, standing steadfast as it opens itself up to me, revealing a spark, a glow, my Light.
Thank you for my sweet little tiny golden-haired teachers who change and grow so fast, who constantly require my best and remind me that “I am the best mommy in the world,” which is true for them, even when I don’t feel it. You wake me up.
Thank you for humbling me even more as I find ground, steadiness, purpose and surrender in my new home. Thank you for family life - for the steady, unconditional, unwavering, and passionate love expressed in so many ways, shared with and through my partner and love. Thank you for loving me as only you do.
Thank you for sweetness and laughter and awkwardness and new friends and shared food, space, time and tears. Thank you for tolerance, acceptance, differences and connection.
Thank you for your intelligence and your seasons and Nature’s abundance. May I continue to grow deep in my understanding and respect of You.
Thank you for teaching, unending education - books and teachers and courses and talks. Thank you E for encouragement and support and inspiration, walking with me, in the ether, as I learn how to cool the flames.
Thank you for Light. Thank you for Love. Thank you for Peace and Clarity in the midst.
May I greet the return of the Sun and 2016 with openness, compassion, sincerity, generosity, and steadiness.
I am so grateful with Love,