Cool stuff happening at Arise Balanced Wellness!

4 week course on Ayurveda
Fall Cleanse
and Kirtan
check it out at

Please note that Dr. Stephanie is offering a special discount for the Ayurvedic Learning Experience to my YTT students.

Discount Details:
- $20 off the regular price if registered by October 1st - USE CODE : WELLNESS20 or call front desk
- New price: $255 (after October 1st, the price returns to $300)

Workshop Details:
Live Your Best Life: Explore Ayurveda 4-Week Wellness Class with Dr. Stephanie Matulle, AyD
Wednesdays: October 7, 14, 21, 28
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: 1810 Evans St., Oshkosh
Cost: $255 (Register by October 1st), $300 (After October 1st)
All materials included

What You’ll Learn:
- The foundations of Ayurveda and how to apply them in daily life
- Techniques to heal at the root level using personalized methods
- Your unique Ayurvedic constitution (dosha), ideal lifestyle, and types of yoga that accommodate each dosha
- Practical healing techniques like yoga, diet, touch, aromatherapy, color and more!