Week One Practice Preparation for Deep Meditation



Om is onsidered to be the universal, consummate mantra - it refers to the soul and the universe or the Divine within all of us. It is considered to be the most sacred, primordial sound. It is made of three sounds and syllables combined into one: ahh, ooo, mmm

Feel the vibration start in the belly, come up to the throat and end with a deep vibration through your mouth. It represents the divine energy of Creation. Chanting in repetition can bring you into a trance-like state and higher consciousness. It teaches you how to hold your breath longer and helps to quiet the mind. Om vibrates at a 432 hz frequency - the frequency of nature - it helps to calm the heart rate, ease stress and anxiety, and it can be soothing and healing.


Adi Mantra is like a telephone number, a direct line to the creative power Shakti. This mantra is said to make you receptive and sensitive to the messages of your body, mind, and intuition. Its used to tune in, to center you in the higher self, and to spiritually guide both the teacher and the students during class. Everytime you chant the Adi Mantra, you are reminded that you are your own greatest teacher. Adi means primal or first - it is the first mantra that should be used for any yogic or meditative practice.

I am the one
Teacher of dark and light
Divine Wisdom
I am that

Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo

Translation: I am centered in my Highest Self and reminded that my ego will not be practicing yoga today. Chanting brings humility and stillness so I may learn from the Divine. I bow to the subtle divine wisdom. I bow to the divine teacher within.

Each teacher connects to a golden chain of teachers that have come before and by chanting this mantra, the teacher plugs into that connection. What you are learning are teachings which have been passed from teacher to student over decades and generations. This mantra removes the adoration of an individual teacher from the equation. It can help overcome the ego of the teacher and student.


Complete Adi Mantra is a hook that creates a flow that offers you a way through your personal situation. It establishes a guiding beam between your immediate state and your dream state, which is said to be the truest version of you. This mantra tunes us into the total spiritual knowledge of all teachers who have ever existed or who will ever exist on this Earth. You may also use the complete form anytime you experience a lack of faith. Chant 5 times on one breath.

I bow to the Creator
I bow to the Divine Teacher

Ong Namo
Guru Dev Namo
Guru Dev Namo
Guru Deva


Mangala Charn is a mantra of protection that invokes the protective energy of the universe. This mantra should always be chanted 3 times in a row.

It has two versions:
Version #1 is chanted right after the Adi Mantra to continue your vibrational shift in energy and surrounds your magnetic field with protective light. Version #2 gives you an enchanting, magnetic personality and builds your aura.

I bow to the Wisdom in the beginning.
I bow to the Wisdom through the Ages.
I bow to the True Wisdom. I bow to the great, unseen Wisdom

Aad Guray Nameh
Jugaad Guray Nameh
Sat Guray Nameh
Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh

Visualize protection surrounding you in each direction.

Laya Yoga Meditation or Long Morning Call

Laya Yoga Meditation or Long Morning Call is the mantra of mastery; the mantra of the Aquarian Age. It is chanted to raise our frequency. It is said to bring Kundalini awakening, opening the chakras and an experience of bliss; this mantra takes our consciousness from individual consciousness to collective consciousness to Universal Consciousness.

The Creator and the Creation are One.
This is our True Identity.
The ecstasy of the experience of this wisdom is beyond all words and brings indescribable bliss.

Ek Ong Kar
Sa Ta Na Ma
Siri Wa Hay Guru

Long Chant form: is done at the beginning of the early morning Aquarian Sadhana.
It has a 2 ½ breath cycle. Inhale deeply through the nose and chant ‘Ek Ong Kar.’ ‘Ek’ is chanted quickly, Ong is held until the breath is halfway through, and Kar is held for the remaining half of the breath.
Inhale deeply through the nose a second time and chant ‘Sat Nam Siri’. Sat is chanted quickly and then Naam is chanted and held for the entire length of the breath, and just when there is no breath left, chant a quick ‘Siri.’
Then take a half breath and chant Wahe Guru with a short ‘Wa’ and then a long “He Guru.”
This completes one 2 ½ breath cycle.

It is to be chanted every morning at the beginning of the Aquarian Sadhana

Laya Mantra: brings the soul and destiny present. It suspends you above conflicts attracted by success and the activity of the Positive Mind. It lets your activity serve your purpose. It makes you creative and focused on your real priorities and helps you sacrifice what is needed to accomplish them. The rhythm used for the Laya Yoga mantra is very specific, with the navel pulled in at the end of each section. The “uh” identifies the sound that is produced by pulling the navel in at the end of each line.

Ek ong kar-(uh)
Sa ta na ma-(uh)
Siri wa-(uh) he guru

Magic Mantra, Siri Mantra

Magic Mantra, Siri Mantra is used to change negativity into positivity - will help you steer your life in a whole new direction. In Kundalini Yoga, this mantra is believed to be the most powerful mantra. It is to be chanted in a sacred way. After chanting, it is wise to keep your thoughts and words positive, as you will be in a state of manifestation.

The Creator and the Creation are One. There is no separation between the two; everything that has been created is a part of the Infinite.
This realization comes through the guru’s grace, the guru being the energy that takes us from darkness to light
The Creator and the Creation are One. There is no separation between the two; everything that has been created is a part of the Infinite.

Ek Ong Kar
Sat Guru Prasad
Sat Gur Prasad
Ek Ong Kar


Sat Nam is a bij (seed) mantra - within the seed is contained all the knowledge of the fully grown tree. It affirms the existence and value of truth. Chanting this mantra, balances the 5 elements, awakens the soul and gives you your destiny.

Truth - the reality of one’s existence


20 min gentle practice to use during the waning moon



Muladhara Chakra Practice : Truth - VInyasa

Questions to consider post practice if you feel up to it.
Can I name a promise I made with myself and then broke it?
What is something I wish or have wished for myself but failed to commit and follow through?
What is keeping me from being real with others? What secrets am I managing?
What white lies did I tell today, or where have I been dishonest this week?
What thoughts, feelings, and emotions am I hiding that I feel no one should know?

Muladhara Chakra Practice : Safety - Restorative

Questions to consider post practice if you feel up for it.
What is the story of how my parents came together to make me?
How did or did they not show me love, attention, and reliable care?
How does my current home situation and living space compare to how I grew up?
What would I consider to be my survival strategies or coping mechanisms?
What makes me feel safe and secure?


Journal Questions to consider post practice.
Trust the first answer without analyzing. Let it be mystical and symbolic.

Am I living my life? Or am I living a carbon copy version of what my parents needed or what society asks me to be?
What lights me up? What turns me on?
What would I like to discover about this powerful urge? Do I need another person’s attention, approval, or permission?
What quality do I want to attract?
What feeling am I allowing? What do I not want to feel?
What feelings, emotions, and conditions am I trying to alter or control?
Can I commit to riding out these emotions?
Can I take responsibility for what I feel & not emote my feelings onto others? How many times have I experienced this same feeling? Where did it come from? Who was there?

How do I choose to respond?

Today is the day to locate and identify what is causing you to suffer, so that you can begin the process of generating compassion in your body. Direct your emotional energy toward the sensation of being held.

manipura chakra

Manipura Chakra practice : Choice - Kundalini Core

Journal Questions to expand upon in writing and to consider while practicing.
What am I here to do?
What is my higher purpose?
How can I access my inner power? What work am I willing to do? Be specific.

anahata chakra

Anahata Chakra practice : Forgive - Restorative

Journal Questions to expand upon in writing post practice. Follow the thread that come in response to the questions.

What stops me from fully loving myself? What would fully loving myself include or look like?
What is the quality of my relationships - with a partner, family, friends, pets?
Are there any topics I cannot talk about without the potential of a fight or triggered emotional state?



For this practice simply put on the below playlist - loud with no one around or with headphones and move yourself through the following 5 Body Expressions/Rhythms. Let track 1 - Africa be a warm up :-)

Some ground rules before you start:
You are not to look cool or play it cool.
What you are after here is freedom - not withholding, not containing. So that there is no expression that is withheld.
To be clear - do not withhold any way of expressing.


Easy continuous flow, gentle, slow using all your senses - circle your wrist, ankles, neck, and knees. Feel into the experience of the Water element, Caregiver archetype, and contribution of kindness. Move with the purpose to give generously.

Tracks 2 - Om by Nadaka
Track 3 - This Rhythm is Not Mine by John de Kant


Defined and clear, show up and own your space and movements. Pulsate sharp edges with your elbows and knees. Feel into the experience of the element of Earth element, the archetype of the Advocate, and the contribution of ambition. Move with the purpose to be a conscious agent for positive change.

Track 4 - Down the Line by Alison Wonderland
Track 5 - Ketuvim by Argy


Wild and cathartic, faster than you think you can, think big sweaty MESS! Feel into the experience of the element of Fire, the archetype of the Visionary archetype, and the contribution of boldness. Move with the purpose to user in forward thinking.

Track 6 - Idontknow by Jamie (of the XX)
Track 7 - Free by Florence + The Machine


Light, airy, tell the story with your movements, by imaginative, use your imagination. Feel into the element of Air, the archetype of the Artist, and the contribution of creativity. Move with the purpose to explore new forms of creative expression.

Track 8 - Everything in its Right Place by Radiohead
Track 9 - When the Party’s Over by Billie Eilish


Vast, slow, eyes closed, create your vibrant presence. Feel into the element of Ether, the archetype of the Healer, and the contribution of presence. Move with the purpose to become a spiritual human being.

Track 10 - The Blessing by Essie Jain
Track 11 - Tibetan Bowl Savasana by Dub Sutra

Then sit in meditation and sing :-)

Track 12 - My Heart Song by Ram Dass, John Pattern

Warning: There is explicit language is in Track 4 (but .. it works).


ajna & sahasrara chakras



45 min Slow Flow for Clarity

45 min Reset practice

60 min Flow practice : Quiet