I created this compilation for pre-natal, but it's also a great restorative or gentle flow playlist.
Free night (every 1st Friday of the month from 4-8pm) at the Portland Children's Museum. Pandemonium. But, lots of kid sized fun. It wiped our boys out. We had a great time and can't wait for the outdoor exhibit to be finished.
Portland Children's Museum
4015 SW Canyon Dr.
Portland OR 97221
Several weeks it was (surprise) so so rainy in Portland. So we thought we'd try our luck and take a day trip to the coast. It was raining so much, we could barely see on our drive out. But we were rewarded when we arrived to bright blue skies .. and in true Oregon coast form, a cold and windy, but beautiful experience on the beach. Our day was filled with rogue waves, rich clam chowder, salt water taffy, the invigorating scent of the sea, and smiles.
As the weather gets nicer and nicer, my time online gets less and less. Yes! So, here is what I've found recently in the form of books.
It's All Good by Gwyenth Paltrow
Oh Gwyenth, so much backlash for your conscious uncoupling. But, I am not here to talk about that or how extraordinarily good looking Chris Martin looks in the Magic video! I am here to talk about this awesome cook book, It's All Good. Nate describes this book part awesome looking recipes and part GP modeling (with some awesome looking food). Gluten-dairy-meat-sugar-free goodness. See, you can live without those things and be really happy ... and look really good.
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Speaking of being really happy and looking really good. Ms. Louise Hay has some really good things to say in this classic book.
Girl Hunter by Georgia Pellegrini
This one is getting me even more interested in the pursuit of bow-hunting my food. This book is intelligent, entertaining, poetic, interesting. Will I be a Yogini turned Hunter? Stranger things have happened.