Spring must be coming soon because I gathered so many amazing things from the web this week, I can hardly contain myself! It was a great week. So great that this list only contains half of what I found, I'll have to share the rest with you next week.
Artifactuprising Inspired by the disappearing beauty of the tangible. You can print your photos (from your camera, your phone, or your instagram feed into a beautiful book. It's a beautiful site.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc2ygv4dWRw&w=560&h=315] Renee and Jeremy sought to make children's music that didn't annoy parents. This track, Night Mantra is an instant favorite in our house. It soothes both my boys and myself when it's 2am and Owen has just spit up on me, twice. Brendan and I have been singing it before bed. It brings a tear.
Modcloth inexpensive and fun with free shipping and returns. An online shoppers happy place especially if you are shopping dresses. Both quirky and classic. It also has a great blog.
Stickygram More fun with instagram. Turn your instagrams into magnets, iPhone/iPad overs, and more.
[vimeo 65688873 w=500 h=281] <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/65688873">Izola Father's Day</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/izola">Izola</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> Izola Candles Long burning candles plus other cool vintage-y things. Great style. Gift-tastic. I bought a candle for my brother and sister-in-law this week.
A recipe for Coq au Resiling which I translated to english and modified to incorporate the wild chukar and pheasant that my brother brought to my house. This was so good that we had it twice in the same week. I'll tell the tale in a later post.
And finally, emails from friends. Nate and I observed a Facebook Free February. We wanted to see if Facebook helped or hindered our connections. One of the lovely things that happened was an increase in personal emails from friends. And they weren't short either. It was so nice to have deeper interactions and really check in. It was time well spent.