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Pickle in a Jar

The word pickle is one of my favorite. In a pickle, my little pickle - phrases I love.

I decided I'd try an experiment. Make some. I I took a look round the world wide web and happened upon a few interesting and fun websites. I opened up Wild Fermentation but I'm not ready for lacto-fermentation yet. (If you are and/or have, please share your wisdom and experience!) I found a simple recipe here and modified it.

Here is what happened, follow along if you'd like.

IMG_2317Take a nice fresh cuke. IMG_2322 Slice it up. IMG_2323 Take 2 tbs salt. I like the pink kind. IMG_2324 Mix it with a cup of apple cider vinegar. [wpvideo 9qiQEf2d] Until the salt dissolves. IMG_2339 Bring to a boil. IMG_2325 Meanwhile, mix up seasoning. I used a tsp each of whole mustard seed, peppercorn, and fennel, plus a big pinch of red chili flakes. IMG_2327 Slide the cucumber slices into a mason jar, because sliding then in while the jar is laying on its side is easier.IMG_2328 Take some garlic. IMG_2330 Smash it up. IMG_2331IMG_2335 IMG_2336 Put the spices and garlic in the jar. IMG_2344 Pour the brine over the pickles to be. IMG_2347 Seal the jar.

IMG_2349Place in the fridge and enjoy this week!
