... in happiness, must frequently change, Confucius said. My husband Nate Bettger shared this on his blog recently and it really got me thinking about change. I like happiness and I am comfortable with change. In fact, change is something I relish in and enjoy. I love change. Anyone who has been to my yoga class can attest to that. So, change. Nate and I are heading to Portland to live for a year. He to complete his residency as hospital chaplin and me to, well, I am not sure. I plan to take a fallow year, or a year of jubilee (Nate's phrase, but I think it's from the Bible) and let my yoga teaching fields rest and wait for the creativity to rise up and take me on the next journey. I want to live a life that is full of yoga. On the mat daily, but what I really want to do is experience the Yoga of Life. This has already begun, but I'm sensing that this website will change to accommodate that. I am open and I am excited!
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