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An Interview with Kaycee Anseth

progress1978810_613024018766883_1034525429_n8_roosteril_570xN.332716102 photo by Sarah G Gilliam

KS: Kaycee! I'm so loving looking at your calendar everyday at my desk! I can't believe it's the end of March already. Your art - in life and through your tangible pieces - is so wonderful. I love reading about what you are doing via art (appropriately) amiss and etsy and seeing your beautiful images on instagram and  Plus the Night Light Show! and The Gold Rust! You have been so special to me every since I first met you as a resident artist at Poethouse and then through yoga classes and teacher training at MYC. I miss getting hugs from you at Lone Pine. KS: What do you love most right now? KA: I really love finding things to be amazed by. Finding things to be joyful about - whether that is the changing landscape, or the dry wit of my friends, or a yummy dinner. So, basically, life.

KS: What excites you? KA: The change of the seasons, and ideas of what to work on next.

KS: What is your favorite movie? KA: Frida when I'm feeling happy, and Dancer in the Dark when I need a good cry,

KS: What is your favorite book? KA: A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'engle. I have to read it every five years or so. I believe children's books hold the secrets to the universe. I also adore anything by Neil Gaiman and Anais Nin.

KS: What music do you love? KA: Anything I can harmonize with but especially red headed ladies (Neko Case, Patty Griffin, Tori Amos, Florence Welch)

*BTW Kaycee and her band mate Casey - aka the band The Gold Rust are recording an album this week!

KS: What is your favorite color? KA: Peacock blue.

KS: Where do you find inspiration? KA: The Deschuttes River, conversations with Cascadians and fellow artists, and Savasana

KS: How and where do you conceive your collages and creations? KA: Savasana. But for real, That's a really hard question.  I almost feel like they already exist and I just pull them into being from the future. My sketchbook is always with me and often a word or phrase or doodle will spark an idea that sparks another and another.

KS: You are also a signer and a writer! Where does that creative energy come from? How do you nurture creativity? KA: I think the creative energy comes from loving life, from trying to keep myself healthy and entertained. There are few things that my soul loves more than creative expression. It's as much a part of my life as breathing or stretching or smiling. I have wondered where it comes from, and I can't figure it out but I sure am thankful.

KS: You live in an airstream. What is that like? KA: I love it. It requires a lot of intention, and is reaffirming what my priorities are. Only room for favorite things. Right now I don't have running water so I have to fill up jugs and heat water in a tea kettle to do dishes. It is a surprisingly soothing process. Waking up in the morning to the sun coming through the huge curved windows and glinting off the aluminum is priceless.

KS: What is really really really important to you? KA: Living like a river otter.

KS: Are you in love? KA: For sure, always.

KS: How does your yoga practice play out in your life? What do you love about yoga? KA: Yoga has taught me to witness what is happening as it happens. It's the process of un-numbing for me. It's helped me identify and accept my inner brat and my inner Lara Croft and learn from both of them. And the people I've met through my practice are pretty fabulous.



An Interview with Amanda Stuermer

photo by Jill Rosell
photo by Jill Rosell

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photo by Jill Rosell
photo by Jill Rosell
photo by Jill Rosell

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Amanda Stuermer is a very inspiring person, but she is also super down to earth, friendly, loving, and she makes the best pickles I have ever had. She is the kind of friend you want in your life. She even has great style! There is really nothing about Amanda that is not to love. Amanda has done some many inspiring things, least of all founding World Muse, creating Muse Camp (aka Camp Catalyst), and catalyzing the Muse Women's Conference (Did you go this year?). Plus there is more, so much more. I hope you enjoy her inspiring answers.

KS: Who are you?
 AS: I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, writer, dreamer, schemer, inspiration junkie, rebellious wrinkled teen.

KS: You describe yourself as an inspiration junkie, what does that mean?
 AS: I look for inspiration in my everyday life. The other morning, I asked one of my sons what his intention for the day was. He answered, “just to get through the day.” I said, “okay, then that is exactly what you will do – just get through the day. Don’t you want to do more than that?” I think many people live their lives like that – just getting through their days. I can’t do that. I need those bursts of inspiration that make me feel lucky to be alive. I have learned to look for them in the simple things – the morning sky, the kindness of strangers, a warm mug of tea, music, laughter, people’s stories. I call it inspired living. It’s far different from getting through your days.

KS: Who inspires you?
 AS: I am inspired by anyone who shares their gift with the world in order to create positive change. We each have a gift - be it teaching, writing, dancing, singing, cooking. The people who inspire me most are the ones who are using their gift to better our world. At our recent Muse Conference, we featured some amazing women who are doing just that. Laura Peterson started Hands to Hearts in order to share the healing power of touch with babies and children in developing countries. The Dalai Lama has called her an Unsung Hero. Brook Irwin wanted to find a way to tell her young son about her cancer diagnosis, so she created a storybook for him. She and a friend have now started The Storybook Project to offer other women the ability to share their cancer stories with their own children. Esther Gatuma is an amazing speaker and activist. She has been featured on Oprah, NBC, CBS, etc. She is using her voice and her platform to speak out against the practices of FGM and child brides in her native Kenya. These are just a few examples. We welcomed over 20 women to the Muse stage this year alone. Each one of them inspires me, each one of them is a muse.

KS: What are you really excited about right now?
 AS: I am excited about a lot of things. Excitement is one of the side effects of my inspiration addiction. I am excited to see our local community celebrating women and girls as catalysts for change. We’ve gotten so much amazing support for our programs from individuals, businesses, schools, and other non-profits. We sold out The Tower Theatre this year. It was a dream come true to look out at that audience and know that they were all there to celebrate and support women and girls. I am excited to grow our global community by working with some of the incredible muses I listed above, as well as many others. We supported projects run by women in 5 different countries last year. I am excited to find more ways to share my own gift as a connector and a storyteller.

KS: What do you love most about Muse?
 AS: I love it all – working with teens, planning events, leading workshops, collaborating with other change-makers. Ok, maybe not the bookkeeping; I do not love the bookkeeping. I do love finding ways to celebrate and support women and girls as catalysts for change.

KS: I recently read about Lynne Twist's work on the subject of shame and money. Please tell me about her.
 AS: I met Lynne a year ago in New York and fell immediately in love. She has worked with some amazing people from the Dalai Lama to Mother Theresa, and yet, she is incredibly accessible and authentic. She connects from her heart, which is how she speaks, writes, and works. Lynne is an amazing activist who has raised millions of dollars for global efforts to end poverty, hunger, and environmental degradation. The word shame doesn’t come to mind when I think of her work. She stands for transforming our relationship to money. Lynne says, “money is a current, a carrier, a conduit for our intentions. Money carries the imprimatur of our soul.” It’s not about how much you have; it’s about what you do with it, how you infuse heart into it.

KS: I think everyone struggles with getting healthy in some key areas such as relationships with money, family, romantically, personal relationships, food, self; where do you struggle? Where do you feel particularly blessed or healthy. How are you finding balance? AS: I struggle with taking on too much. Over-commitment is another side effect of my inspiration addiction. I have a hard time saying no to people, projects. I get depleted physically and energetically. I am blessed to have an amazing family that supports and grounds me. I find balance by spending time with them and remembering that they are my number one priority. Yoga and running are also important to my balance. They help me quiet my mind, listen to my heart, connect with source.

KS: What is your favorite book?
 AS: There are so many. I always have a hard time when someone asks me to choose a favorite. It’s like I tell my three children, “you are each my favorite for different reasons.”

KS: What is your favorite movie? AS: Again, I can’t choose a favorite. So many have touched me at different times and for different reasons.

KS: What kind of music do you love?
 AS: I love almost any music that moves my soul as well as my feet – rock, country, jazz, classical, R&B, show tunes, hip-hop. I love the way Michael Franti’s music makes me happy. I love the way Bob Dylan’s lyrics make me think, I love the way Taylor Swift makes me feel like a teenager, etc.

KS: You travel, what is the most beautiful place you've seen?
 AS: Again, there are so many – the Grand Canyon, the Ngororo Crater in Tanzania, Mont St. Michel in France, Hanalei Bay on Kauai, the Sangre de Cristos at sunset, the Oregon coast at sunset, the French Quarter at sunrise, Venice at sunrise, Santa Fe in the Fall, the Deschutes River Trail in the Fall, etc. I am inspired wherever I go.

KS: You have great style, where do u find your style inspiration?
 AS: I believe we are most beautiful when we feel gracefully at ease. I am inspired by women who dress to feel good, as well as look good. Some women are most ease in pencil skirts and heels. Personally, I am most at ease in jeans. I love beautiful things - cashmere and silk tops are my weakness – but I usually wear them with an old pair of levi’s and boots or flip flops.

KS: You have three beautiful and incredible children, do you have anything you'd like to say to empower mothers, especially new ones.
 AS: Be open. I grew up in a house where we didn’t talk about “difficult” things. I try to keep open dialogue going with my kids at all times. You have to start young. When they are teens, it will pay off. My teenagers and I can talk drugs and sex, as well as their feelings.

Be brave enough to let your children see you fail. I was talking to a young parent the other day, and he told me that he’s constantly scared that he’s messing up with his kid. I told him, “that’s part of our job – to show them that life can be messy, parents aren’t perfect.” I love this passage from a book written by my friend Hampton Sides:

“Navajos hated to complete anything - whether it was a basket, a blanket, a song, or a story. They never wanted their artifacts to be too perfect, or too closed-ended, for a definitive ending cramped the spirit of the creator and sapped the life from the art. So they left little gaps and imperfections, deliberate lacunae that kept things alive for another day. To them, comprehensiveness was tantamount to suffocation. Aesthetically and literally, Navajos always left themselves an out. Even today, Navajo blankets often have a faint imperfection designed to let the creation breathe - a thin line that originates from the center and extends all the way to the edge, sometimes with a single thread dangling from its border; tellingly, the Navajos call this intentional flaw the “spirit outlet.”

I want to teach my children to appreciate the spirit outlets in themselves, in others, and in the world.

KS: What are you currently obsessed with?
 AS: My family, my friends, my work, sunshine, yoga, travel, and French fries.

KS: What is something you can't live without?
 AS: My family, my friends, my work, sunshine, yoga, travel, and French fries.

KS: How does your yoga practice play into your life?
 AS: Personally, yoga helps me cultivate self-awareness. I have to be self-aware before I can become truly aware of others. I can’t know anyone else until I know myself. Yoga connects me to that deep knowing of my self, which then allows me to connect with others and the world in a more authentic way.

Professionally, yoga helps me practice conscious activism. I like to point out the difference between conscious activism, which comes from a place of awareness, and what I call re-activism, which usually comes from a place of fear and anger. I believe that lasting positive change can only come from conscious action. Look at Gandhi, Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa – they all practiced conscious activism. I can say the same thing about some of the muses I have already mentioned – Lynne Twist, Esther Gatuma, Brook Irwin, Laura Peterson.

Yoga means union. I think there are many ways to practice yoga, on and off the mat. My husband’s yoga is fly-fishing. Sometimes my yoga is a walk in the woods or a run by the river. Yoga, to me, is whatever unites you with your true self.

Amanda and Muse will be hosting 30 Days of Inspiration: a 30 day online workshop that will provide you with daily inspiration, mindfulness practices, creative exercises, and action steps, all designed to help you connect to your sense of personal purpose and start cultivating the tools you need to create positive change. Whether you are looking to create change in your personal life, your local community, or on a global scale, we will share practices and tools that you can use.

.... It starts April 1! You can sign up here. I pretty sure I am going to. I need a little extra inspiration, don't you?



An Interview with Shanan Kelley


Shanan Kelley is the creator of The Night Light Show with Shanan Kelley and Magnificent Guests that she produces with a team of awesome, creative, dedicated and very funny people. Shanan is a dear friend of mine and I am honored to share an email interview I had with her. Shanan is incredible!  Read about some of her favorite things and how she conceived The Night Light Show. I'm also super stoked that she has an Indiegogo campaign so that we can support her courageous creative efforts. Because we all need more of this in our lives, yes?

KS: Hi Shanan! I love you, you are one of my favorite people ever! We've been friends since you walked up the stairs to MYC with your big black sun glasses on - like a movie star, or someone from rain-drenched Seattle unaccustomed to sunny central OR.

KS: What do you love most right now? SK: This is a tough question for me because I love so much...but I guess top of the list is my sweet doggie, being outside, and my friends. And my show...yes, of course the show! It's very lovable.

KS: What excites you? SK: The thought of knowing what my dreams are and then putting all effort towards achieving them.

KS: What is your favorite movie? SK: This is tough too...lots of good movies out there. The Fountain, anything funny, it's too hard to pick just one.

KS: What is your favorite book? SK: Whichever one I'm reading at the moment. Ok, that isn't true. Tina Fey's Bossypants is my favorite and should be required reading for all American citizens.

KS: What music do you love? SK: I am loving Phantagrams right now. I love the Santogold Pandora station. Mos Def, Jay Z, The Roots. I love Feist and always will.

KS: Where do you find inspiration? SK: Outside, on my yoga mat, and when I'm with my friends. Reading, laughing, and when coming out of a "dark spell..."

KS: How and where did you conceive the Night Light Show? SK: Hmmmm, the idea had been rattling around inside me for a while. But, it really came together during October art walk. We were at a party celebrating Micah and Esme's love the night before their wedding at Tin Pan Theater, and I just got super inspired. In the 48 hours that followed the show became very clear to me so Micah and I picked a date and that was that. :)

KS: What is really really really important for you? SK: That I take care of myself.

KS: Are you in love? SK: Yes, with my life.

KS: How does your yoga practice play out in your life? What do you love about yoga? SK: Every moment it plays out! When I need breath, in letting go, in finding another perspective. It is the thing that makes me the best at being me. I love that it enhances my health. I love that it has made me a better friend and lover and student. I love how many people it helps. I love the conversations I have about it. And I love that I get to play a role in how it develops as an industry and legitimate profession in the states.

The Night Light Show with Shanan Kelley and Magnificent guests happens live tonight at Tin Pan Theatre in Bend.



2/52 Found This Week

Spring must be coming soon because I gathered so many amazing things from the web this week, I can hardly contain myself! It was a great week. So great that this list only contains half of what I found, I'll have to share the rest with you next week. hb2_21114_v3


Artifactuprising Inspired by the disappearing beauty of the tangible. You can print your photos (from your camera, your phone, or your instagram feed into a beautiful book. It's a beautiful site.

[youtube] Renee and Jeremy sought to make children's music that didn't annoy parents. This track, Night Mantra is an instant favorite in our house. It soothes both my boys and myself when it's 2am and Owen has just spit up on me, twice. Brendan and I have been singing it before bed. It brings a tear.

1366x390-nautical-coreModcloth inexpensive and fun with free shipping and returns. An online shoppers happy place especially if you are shopping dresses. Both quirky and classic. It also has a great blog.

tumblr_inline_n1rqgspWAM1qgz5kaStickygram More fun with instagram. Turn your instagrams into magnets, iPhone/iPad overs, and more.

[vimeo 65688873 w=500 h=281] <p><a href="">Izola Father's Day</a> from <a href="">Izola</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p> Izola Candles Long burning candles plus other cool vintage-y things. Great style. Gift-tastic. I bought a candle for my brother and sister-in-law this week.

IMG_3225A recipe for Coq au Resiling which I translated to english and modified to incorporate the wild chukar and pheasant that my brother brought to my house.  This was so good that we had it twice in the same week. I'll tell the tale in a later post.

And finally, emails from friends. Nate and I observed a Facebook Free February. We wanted to see if Facebook helped or hindered our connections. One of the lovely things that happened was an increase in personal emails from friends. And they weren't short either. It was so nice to have  deeper interactions and really check in. It was time well spent.


Slow down


Slow down


Slow down! I see that sign when I'm driving through neighborhoods and near schools all the time. Each time it makes me pause and remember to yes, slow down. Carl Honore gives a compelling argument for slowing down and it's benefits: eat better, make love better, exercise better, work better, live better.  He compares the fast life with the good life. Valuable talk on the power of slow.

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