
Words of Wisdom

IMG_2583Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here are some words of wisdom from John O'Donohue. “What you encounter, recognize or discover depends to a large degree on the quality of your approach.  Many of the ancient cultures practiced careful rituals of approach.  An encounter of depth and spirit was preceded by careful preparation.

When we approach with reverence, great things decide to approach us. Our real life comes to the surface and its light awakens the concealed beauty in things. When we walk on the earth with reverence, beauty will decide to trust us. The rushed heart and arrogant mind lack the gentleness and patience to enter that embrace.” 

― John O’Donohue, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace



Homemade Granola

I love granola. I always want to buy it. I eat it really quickly. Then I am sad. So I finally decided to make some at home. This is what I did. It's good. IMG_2601 IMG_2605 IMG_2608 IMG_2625 IMG_2632 IMG_2638 IMG_2641

Ingredients 3 cups organic oats 1/2 cup each raw cashews, almonds and coconut flakes 3 tbs brown sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp turmeric a big 1/2 tsp salt

1/4 cup honey 2 tbs maple syrup 2 tbs coconut oil

1/2 cup dried cranberries

Preheat the oven to 300. Prep a big cookie sheet with parchment paper.

In a bowl, mix oats, cashews, almonds, coconut, sugar, cinnamon, turmeric, and salt.

In a small saucepan, heat honey, maple syrup, and coconut oil slowly over medium heat. Mix. Let cool a little. Pour over and mix into oat mixture. Spread it all out on the cookie sheet.

Put in the oven for 40min, stirring it every 10min or so. When it's all golden brown and beautiful take it out. Let it cool. Mix in cranberries. Serve however you like it. We like it with yogurt and honey from our bees. Store in a big mason jar for future a breakfast or afternoon snack.



Portland: Our Adventure to Kelly Butte Nature Area

IMG_2578IMG_2579 IMG_2580 IMG_2583 IMG_2591 IMG_2596 IMG_2598We finally had some sun here in Portland so we went to the woods to celebrate, breathe deeply, and feed the fire by getting our hearts pounding. The result rosy cheeks and smiling faces + tired babies. It was so nice to explore, just us and Coco. Kelly Butte is kinda our secret spot in the woods. Here is a little article that came up after a google search, interesting, mysterious.



An Interview with Shanan Kelley


Shanan Kelley is the creator of The Night Light Show with Shanan Kelley and Magnificent Guests that she produces with a team of awesome, creative, dedicated and very funny people. Shanan is a dear friend of mine and I am honored to share an email interview I had with her. Shanan is incredible!  Read about some of her favorite things and how she conceived The Night Light Show. I'm also super stoked that she has an Indiegogo campaign so that we can support her courageous creative efforts. Because we all need more of this in our lives, yes?

KS: Hi Shanan! I love you, you are one of my favorite people ever! We've been friends since you walked up the stairs to MYC with your big black sun glasses on - like a movie star, or someone from rain-drenched Seattle unaccustomed to sunny central OR.

KS: What do you love most right now? SK: This is a tough question for me because I love so much...but I guess top of the list is my sweet doggie, being outside, and my friends. And my show...yes, of course the show! It's very lovable.

KS: What excites you? SK: The thought of knowing what my dreams are and then putting all effort towards achieving them.

KS: What is your favorite movie? SK: This is tough too...lots of good movies out there. The Fountain, anything funny, it's too hard to pick just one.

KS: What is your favorite book? SK: Whichever one I'm reading at the moment. Ok, that isn't true. Tina Fey's Bossypants is my favorite and should be required reading for all American citizens.

KS: What music do you love? SK: I am loving Phantagrams right now. I love the Santogold Pandora station. Mos Def, Jay Z, The Roots. I love Feist and always will.

KS: Where do you find inspiration? SK: Outside, on my yoga mat, and when I'm with my friends. Reading, laughing, and when coming out of a "dark spell..."

KS: How and where did you conceive the Night Light Show? SK: Hmmmm, the idea had been rattling around inside me for a while. But, it really came together during October art walk. We were at a party celebrating Micah and Esme's love the night before their wedding at Tin Pan Theater, and I just got super inspired. In the 48 hours that followed the show became very clear to me so Micah and I picked a date and that was that. :)

KS: What is really really really important for you? SK: That I take care of myself.

KS: Are you in love? SK: Yes, with my life.

KS: How does your yoga practice play out in your life? What do you love about yoga? SK: Every moment it plays out! When I need breath, in letting go, in finding another perspective. It is the thing that makes me the best at being me. I love that it enhances my health. I love that it has made me a better friend and lover and student. I love how many people it helps. I love the conversations I have about it. And I love that I get to play a role in how it develops as an industry and legitimate profession in the states.

The Night Light Show with Shanan Kelley and Magnificent guests happens live tonight at Tin Pan Theatre in Bend.



3/52 Found This Week

photo by Beth Kirby and a recipe for vegan(izable) chocolate trufflesThe blog is gorgeous, blogger Beth Kirby's writing in poetic, image invoking and inspiring in a sort of exotic i-can-see-your-dreams kind of a way. I'll be checking this one out on a regular basis for sure. I went to Whole Foods yesterday and got all the ingredients to make the truffles. Beth describes them as  "sensual pleasures that are good for you, that build you up, are basically the holy grail of pleasures...Old power. Deep roots that tend on down. These are bites that taste of the way the world is stitched. They taste like good karma, like floating in the milky way." That is beautiful. I'm so excited to try them out!

Butter Dishes Collective: Buttermilk-Cultured Butter + Creme Fraiche-Cultured Butter + Creme Fraiche Butter A131122 FW Gastronaut March 2014

In February's Food and Wine magazine (thanks Casey for the subscription!), I came across a receipt for cultered butter that I'd really like to try. It seems easy enough - famous last words. I'll show you what happened when I do.


Portland Apothecary I really love the word "apothecary" but this site is clean, beautiful and really makes me want to spend time outside wildcrafting and mixing healing herbs. I've been enjoying and getting inspiration from the beauty of the site. The products are expertly formulated and I would be proud to display in my own kitchen apothecary (which is still in a box in the garage from our move, pity).

Cour-Damoye-630x405-C-OTCP-Amelie-Dupont-184-13ah Paris I get really excited about fashion exactly two times per year, once in the fall with New York Fashion week and once in the Spring with Paris Fashion Week. I love Paris in the Springtime, don't you?

photo by Sharon Montrose

The Animal Print Shop. Adorable! Art for the nursery/little kids room.

More next week. I'm really enjoying collecting!
