

Chakras 4 - 7



Chakras 4 - 7



Call with Erica Jago

Studentship Week THREE

Call with Erica Jago

Studentship Week THREE



Chakra 4

Week 3: Session 1

Chakra 4

Week 3: Session 1

EARTH - Week 3: Session 1: Chakra 4

Rest into the wisdom of the 4th chakra Anahata

  • Located in your chest at the level of your heart and lungs, extending down to your hands

  • Associated with the Air element

  • It is the meeting place of your lower and higher chakras.

  • It is the center from which you relate to others.

  • It elevates self-love, kindness, and forgiveness is your life

  • Anytime you feel: warmth and empathy for something or someone else - this center is in balance

  • It accentuates your right to LOVE

  • Ability to love

  • Fulcrum

  • Joy

  • Soft

  • Expansive

  • Balance

  • Heart + Lungs

  • Relationships

  • Heart to arms - like a hug

  • Self-Love

  • Self-Acceptance

  • Biggest heart

  • Collaboration, opportunity

  • Love - not competition

  • Abundance

Part of your coursework is to:

  • Read pg. 222-283 Eastern Body

  • Review Chapter 4 Angelus

Self-reflection + Journal

  • What gifts and wisdom does a balanced fourth chakra provide?

  • Consider and reflect upon your default mind-set when it comes to love or anything associated with the 4th chakra.

  • In what ways would you like to collaborate with another, or with Spirit?


Chakra 5

Chakra 5

 EARTH - Week 3: Session 2: Chakra 5

Communicate with the  chakra Visshudha

  • Located at the base of your neck, where you collar bones meet, then moving up the cylinder of your throat to your mouth and chin

  • Associated with the element of Sound

  • It bridges your feeling with your thinning through creative expression and speech

  • It is the center from which you relate to others.

  • It provides you with the ability to listen and verbally express your needs, desires, and opinions truthfully and authentically.

  • Anytime you feel: heard and able to communicate change and healing - this center is in balance

  • It allows for your ability to SPEAK

  • Sound

  • Communication

  • Hearing

  • Listening 

Part of your coursework is to:

  • Read pg 286-336 Eastern Body

  • Review Chapter 5 Angelus

Self-reflection + Journal

  • What gifts and wisdom does a balanced fifth chakra provide?

  • In what ways do you use, or don’t use, your voice?

  • What are you holding back that needs to be said?

  • How would softening your tone and becoming aware of the sound frequency of your voice change the way you listen and speak?


Chakra 6

Week 3: Session 3
Chakra 6

Chakra 6

Week 3: Session 3
Chakra 6

 EARTH - Week 3: Session 3: Chakra 6

Envision the 6th chakra Ajna

  • Located at the bridge of your nose, between your eyebrows in the geometric center of your brain

  • Associated with the element of Light

  • It is the place of subtle perception

  • It reveals the insight of your future, while your physical eyes see the present and the past

  • It illuminates everything as it is without the filter of your history, your expectations, or your judgements. 

  • Anytime you feel: in tune with your dreams - this center is in balance + aligned

  • It illuminates your right to SEE

  • Light

  • 3rd eye

  • Imagination

  • Visualization

  • Intuition

  • Dreams

  • Seed of wisdom

Part of your coursework is to:

  • Read p. 338-388 in Eastern Body

  • Review Chapter 6 in Angelus

Self-reflection + Journal

  • What gifts and wisdom does a balanced sixth chakra provide?

  • Share your dreams

  • Take some time to dream big - paint a picture with words and images

  • Complete the Creative Exercise: Design Your Life in Chapter 6.4 of Angelus


Chakra 7

Week 3: Session 4

Chakra 7

Week 3: Session 4

 EARTH - Week 3: Session 4: Chakra 7

Connect and know the 7th chakra Sahasrara

  • Located at the soft spot on top of your head that adjusted and closed 3 months after your were born

  • Associated with Bliss - it allows your to experience what is beyond the mundane

  • It provides access to Universal Intelligence

  • It is the center from which you sense subtleties and gestures from a higher source that guides your every step.

  • It illuminates everything as it is without the filter of your history, your expectations, or your judgements. 

  • Anytime you feel: that everything is interconnected and that you are a part of the larger web of life - this center is in open 

  • It channels your right to KNOW

  • Abode of consciousness

  • Supreme connection

  • Divine Intelligence

Part of your coursework is to:

  • Read pg 390-436 Eastern Body

  • Review Chapter 7 Angelus

Self-reflection + Journal

  • What gifts and wisdom does an open, and expanded 7th chakra provide?

  • In what ways could an open 7th chakra become problematic?

  • What do you “know that you know”?