A few days ago, one of yoga's great contemporary teachers left his body. Sri K Pattahbi Jois was recently featured in the documentary "Enlighten Up" currently playing at Pilot Butte Cinema. I remember thinking while watching the film ".. I really need to get to India while these teachers are still alive .." On Monday I found out that one of these great teachers had died and I can't help to feel saddness in my heart. Along with several other yogis in Bend, I attended a memorial service for him at the Ashtanga Studio. I was moved by the depth of sincerity of love that David, who received permission from GuruGi to teach Ashtanga (thats a big deal), showed. I loved the stories David told about his love of chocolate and his disappointment when David brought chocolates for him shortly after he was diagnosed with Diabetes and how one time David caught GuruGi in the act of opening a forbidden wrapper, quickly trying to hide the evidence like a child. David also talked about a sort of "quickening" of intense brilliance in his eyes as he got on in age, as if the body knew what was ahead and was preparing the soul - the water in David's eyes beginning to rise. There was such a depth of sincerity in the whole place and I felt extremely honored to be a small part of this tradition. I have the opportunity to come to the mat daily and share what I am learning and I get see so many beautiful people do the same. There is a deep, innate wisdom in the practice of Yoga. A wisdom that truly transcends and creates an intense brilliance in the eyes of those who catch a glimpse. Peace.
Your faithful friend, Kat