"Eastern Philosophy says that human beings have forgotten what they came here for. With all the stimulation outside of ourselves, we have lost sight of the Beloved, our creator, and have lost ourselves as a result. I truly believe that we have the answers within up, but it takes incredible discipline and hard word to gain back those abandoned gifts we were given as a birthright. Many of us have lost the ability to feel things, and to look to others for clarification and purpose when the answers are deep inside of ourselves. We are each a part of our divine maker and creation itself, and when we accept that divine connection, we have begun upon the path of enlightenment.
Yoga allows up to experience this connection. Through the yoking of our bodies, minds, and hearts to a higher power or existence, we awaken the shakti, or spiritual energy hidden within, and our highest capabilities are revealed. With this realization comes a confidence, which cannot be destroyed. This is Self-Realization. Once the connection is established, the source is accessible at any tie to find the answers that we may be searching for.
Through practicing yoga, you will also become more conscious of your behavior in the world, and how the behavior of things outside of yourself can affect you. You learn that you can go out into the world and affect others in a number of positive ways.
We are each born with unlimited potential and a deep inner knowledge of what is right and what is true, but life would be without meaning if we did not have to work (at least) a little toward this self-discovery. We are our own God-given tools to attain this knowledge and the freedom that will come when it is realized fully, so we must strengthen and sharpen our tools, in preparation for this divine union. This is essentially the practice of refining ourselves holistically and specifically for this deeply spiritual purpose.
Yoga is the practice of disciplining the mind, body, and spirit to optimum capacity. It is the practice of mindfulness, compassion, grace, and love through all actions. If you are seeking joy, bliss, happiness .. enlightenment, for yourself and to share with others. I invite you to explore the magnitude of this philosophy so that you can come to learn, along with me, how to better our lives with its many teachings."
-Christy Turlington