From my perspective, class was a little .. wonky today. We had sideways snow, and after finally upgrading my Pandora account, it wouldn't work, then iTunes on the computer wouldn't work and finally, the speakers subtly went in and out with use of the cd player - I abandoned music about half way through. I was distracted, but determined and dear student friends - you were all amazing - focused, present, and flexible in response to my somewhat distracted requests. We continued exploring the theme dharma. What is your purpose?

The root of the worddharma is dri which means "to support" or "to hold up." In it's largest context, dharma is the unseen and limitless web of intelligence that sustains and supports both the universe as a whole and each individual creation within it ... Dharma supports you, as an individual, in your role as an essential part of the whole ... We each have a unique role to play in the service of sustaining and advancing the whole of which we are a part ... Dharma is the compelling force in each of us that longs to thrive, to become who we were meant to be.

- Rod Stryker
