(Community) is for anyone who wants to be part of creating (in a way) ... that works for all ... Citizens, in their capacity to come together and choose to be accountable, are our best shot at making a difference ... Community is about the experience of belonging. We are in community each time we find a place where we belong. The word belong has two meanings. First, to belong is to be related to and part of something. It is membership, the experience of being at home in the broadest sense of the phrase ... To belong is the know, even in the middle of the night, that I am among friends ... The second meeting of the word belong has to do with being an owner. Something belongs to me. To belong to a community is to act as a creator and co-owner of that community. What I consider mine I will build and nurture. The work, then, is to see in our community as wider & deeper sense of emotional ownership; it means fostering among all of a community's citizens a sense of ownership & accountability ... Belonging can also be thought of as a longing to be. Being in our capacity to find our deeper purpose in all that we do. It is the capacity to be present, and to discover our authenticity & whole selves ... Community is the container within which our longing to be is fulfilled. - Peter Block