
Sitting with Nate last night, being very 'old-married-couple' and listening to Pandora's Joe Purdy/Innocence Mission station, two songs came on, one by Dido and one by the Cowboy Junkies. This prompted a short musical run down memory lane. Dido and the Cowboy Junkies - two sounds that fueled my collage and post college years. I remembered how just listening to music was a pastime. It was in my first year of college that email became part of everyone's consciousness, very few people had cell phones, and no one had a smart phone or 'life companion." There was no such thing as Facebook. Friends still called each other and met at pre-determined times and locations so listening to music - that we purchases and listened to on CD or the radio was a constant. Do you remember? Being here, just sitting, remembering the memories that Cowboy Junkies and Dido conjured up is so relaxing. Time really gives great perspective.

Tonight, my soul is saying to me, just wait and see.

The next time you are in class or have some free time, listen to the music and create space for your soul to speak to you.



