A beautiful and poignant article by a seasoned yoga teacher and mama, Amy Cushing.
I arrive early and roll out my mat.
I greet wide-eyed new students with a smile and laugh with those who return week after week.
I don’t wear Lululemon or Donna Karan sweat pants or own a Manduka mat. Not that I would mind, there’s simply no room for expensive style in our family budget.
I do still treasure my eight-year-old Be Present crops adorned with an embroidered pink orchid. Those are quality. They were purchased when being carefree was more the way of life.
I am not skinny or incredibly bendy and I cannot float from crow to handstand to plank. But I can do each individually, slowly and mindfully, and can show you how to improve your own practice.
Is that a fat roll you see as I demonstrate parsvakonasana? Yes. Maybe two, in fact; a product of carrying two babies and having little time for myself these days. I’ll work on finding a washboard ab or two once the kids don’t need me so much. I’m OK with it. Are you?
And wrinkles? No those aren’t wrinkles, they’re imprints of a life lived.
I could care less about your pedicure. My own 10-minute home pedi isn’t the best either. I’m more interested in the position of your foot.
I note your shoulder scar, your curved spine, your swollen knee—not to judge your appearance, but to give you a safe practice.
I may see and hear things that are personal. And they will stay that way.
Some days I may look a bit tired, likely from being up all night with one of my children or trying to fit 30 hours into a 24-hour day. Please, bear with me. I have arrived to give my best and I will do just that.
I may laugh at my fumbled words or missteps; it is part of who I am.
I can help you feel a little better, breathe a little easier and guide you toward a meditation practice, but I won’t promote a guru.
I don’t have a guru. I don’t want a guru.
But I have great teachers who have inspired me on my path. I hold them close to my heart and they are a part of the practice I share with you.
Despite a decade of practice, my yoga journey is a continuing lesson. Each day I learn more of the wisdom that surrounds it. I will do my best to always be a student as well as a teacher.
I am just a yoga teacher who teaches at the local studio up the street.
I may not be cover model flawless or the vision of yoga teacher perfection, but I am a teacher.
And that’s perfect enough for me.
Source: Elephant Journal article written by Amy Cushing Posted on Facebook by Portland Yoga Teacher Sarah Robinette